Top 10 Tips to Prevent Hair Fall The best way to keep your hair up!

Unless you are actually suffering from it, you will not know how to have problematic hair. Hair loss or hair fall is a condition that starts slowly and drops off the scalp during uncontrolled sessions of hair. In some cases the hair stops before it even reaches maturity / full length. When does anyone really know that they suffer from hair loss? 

Top 10 Tips to Prevent Hair Fall

Once you start looking at the hair strands on your wrist / brush and if you find that your hair is thinning or volume decreases, the signs of hair fall are obvious. In this article we will focus on the top 10 tips for preventing hair fall and growing hair again.

1) Nourish your blood by taking vitamin supplements:

Sometimes, we eat the recommended foods but may lack some of the crucial vitamins to help with hair growth. Vitamin supplements offer a compensatory solution. These vitamins are very important: Vitamins A and C, for the shine and shine of hair, are all vitamin B immune and repair, they also provide the essential ingredients for healthy blood, vitamins that aid in protein fixation in the body and essential Vitamin E for oils that aid in healthy hair growth.

2) Dry dry your hair properly:

Placing your towel against the hair in a circle motion as well as rubbing it with a towel are some of the towel drying processes. Wet hair is very sensitive and weak and you need to be very careful when handling it. Then use a soft high quality cotton towel to wash your hair, wrap your turban. Gently press against the hair against the hair. Once you are sure that most of the water is drained, wrap the turban with this side and side of the scent, doing the same until all the moisture is absorbed in the towel.

3) Go slowly to chemical treatments and heat styling processes:

Chemical treatments contain harsh compounds that cause the destruction of proteins in the hair. Again, using the knowledge gained from biology classes, proteins burn and release their chemical composition after being exposed to heat. If it is exaggerated for heating style processes it is the same for hair. If you find that your hair is broken at a faster rate, consider alternative treatments for chemical treatments and heating styles.

4) Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, which are important substances needed to build and repair the immune system. If the immune system is compromised in any way you can agree on diseases and conditions that affect hair growth which will reduce it.

5) Throw out junk food and start eating healthy:

Junk food or processed food has become popular in the mainstream world. Some of them are abundantly cheap and easily accessible at fast food outlets. Many people love the delicious taste of fried chicken, pizza, burgers and fries, but the truth is that only half of the fertilizer we are consuming is carbs and lots of fat or oil. Regular consumption of these substances gives the body a lack of important substances, such as proteins and vitamins, which are also needed to complete a balanced diet. If you want to stop hair fall and re-grow your hair to its healthy state, homemade foods, rich in protein, carbohydrates and vitamins.

6) Exercise regularly:

Exercising your whole body is one way to live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise helps burn off any excess fat that is often stored under the skin as a layer of fat. This fat is harmful to the body and its organs because it can close the blood veins and capillaries to prevent it from reaching certain organs such as the scalp.

7) Drink plenty of water:

Water accounts for 55-65% of body composition. This large percentage shows how important the body and its cell-tissue function are. Water contains abundant amounts of grass and minerals which are needed for oxidative purposes within the body. It is a medium that facilitates the transport of nutrients to the body as well. Water soluble vitamins like Vitamin A and C cannot be absorbed into the body without water soluble.

8) Always keep your hair and scalp clean:

Regularly washing your hair is one way to ensure that the scalp cells are free of dirt and dander that creates bacteria in other hair and scalp conditions. A clean scalp is also one that allows its pores to breathe so as to ensure that blood veins are not pushed in any way. Healthy blood vessels allow uninterrupted flow of blood into and out of the follicles of the hair in their good functioning.

9) Choose Natural Hair Products:

The choice of hair product is best, however if you suffer from hair loss we strongly advise that you use hair products rather than natural ingredients made of chemicals. Herbal hair products are a complementary way of recovering what a hair deficiency is. Natural hair shampoos, conditioners and pomades are made from herbal substances and essential oils, which have a natural healing and aromatic properties for healthy scalp and hair.

10) Stop Bad Habits:

Smoking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are some of the bad habits that prevent blood flow to the follicles of your hair. Remember that hair follicles are nourished with nutrients and oxygen in order to be healthy and strong. Alcohols and nicotine are some substances that contain toxins that are harmful to hair proteins. If consumed regularly and in large quantities, these substances may cause blood on the scalp to receive less thin blood and become thinner and eventually broken.
