How To Start Learning Front End Web Development In 2020 : For Beginners

How to start learning Front End Web Development? Which Languages to learn for Front End Development? These questions would surely come into your mind If you have no knowledge of Web Development but want to start learning Front-End Web Development.

Learning Front End Web Development In 2020

First of all, What is Web Development?

Web development is also known as website development. It is a process of developing a website for hosting via intranet or internet. Web development includes web design, web content development, etc.

Now, what is Front End Web Development?

Front End Web Development is the practice of writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a website, the part of the website that the user see and interacts with. Front End Development is also known as client-side development.

So, What is a Front End Developer?

A Front End Developer is a person who implements web designs by writing the code (basically using HTML, CSS, JavaScript). They are responsible for the part of the website that the users see and interact with.
In layman's term, a person who does Front End Development is known as Front End Developer.

Skills needed to become a Front End Web Developer:

Front end developer use three coding languages to make the website
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
along with these,  they also use some frameworks (to make their work easier and faster) namely Bootstrap(for CSS), JQuery(for JS), etc.

So, let's start


  • Start with HTML

    HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the most basic language you need for Web development.HTML is the backbone of the internet. By itself, it can’t really do a lot, but it defines the structure of the web page as all the text on the web page is written by HTML. 

  • Style the webpage using CSS

    CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is responsible for the visual part of the webpage. Unless you want a dirty, ugly looking webpage, you better learn CSS. It allows us to specify how HTML elements should look by defining elements sizes, colors, backgrounds and many many more.
  • Start building websites

    Now comes the important part. Now that you have learned HTML and CSS, you should apply that knowledge for more practice. Before moving ahead, try to make some webpages so that you can master HTML and CSS. Don't worry, you will find it difficult in starting. if you forget something just google it. You can try making a copy of some website's landing pages.

  • Learn Javascript

    Next step, is to learn JavaScript(JS). JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your website. It’s also the most popular programming language in the world. JavaScript lets you add a ton more functionality to your websites, and you can create a lot of basic web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Frameworks!

    Frameworks are a very powerful tool in the development of modern web and mobile applications. They are packages containing pre-written, standardized code in files and folders. They give you a base to build on while still allowing flexibility with the final design.Using a framework to construct your website’s front-end has a lot of advantages (and is pretty easy to boot!). For now just learn about two frameworks : Bootstrap(for CSS) & jQuery(for JavaScript).

 So, here ends the list for How To Start Learning Front End Web Development For Beginners. There is a lot more in Front End Web Development. But for now, as a beginner I suggest you to learn these skills and try making something. The path to become a front-end developer will definitely take some time. You need to have some patience to get there.
