How To Doubled Your Website/ Blog Traffic

Doubled Your Website Traffic In 2020

Doubled Your Website Traffic
Doubled Your Website Traffic

There are 5 simple strategies and relentless executing that helped you to get the results. And today, I'm going to break them down for you. (how to, blog traffic, website traffic, backlinks, metatags, seo, seo, create backlinks, how to increase seo,).

Hi everyone, Today I'm going to breakdown the winning strategies behind 200% traffic growth in 2020.

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1st strategy:

I have for you, pillar pages and content clusters. Look, the old way peoples used to just create 10, 20, 30, 40 articles on the same topic over and over again. Now, Google doesn't want to continually rank a 50 different articles on SEO. And when you have 50 different articles on your site on SEO, or dog food, or whatever the topic it is, it confuses them, and be like wait, which one should we rank? They're all competing for the same terms. They're all linked to each other. They all have back links. Instead, you want to use pillar pages and content clusters.

 Here's what I mean by this. Go check out The Beginner's Guide to SEO by MOZ. This guide has a main introduction to SEO, and then it breaks down all the subsections of SEO, and then they link to it. And those subsections link back up to that main topic on SEO. And can you guess who ranks number one for the term SEO on Google? At least in the United States, it's MOZ. That's how effective that strategy is, then you're probably thinking, hey???, but these content things change over time. What should I do???

2nd strategy:

I currently only write four blog posts a month. Sometimes five if there're five weeks in a month. And yes, it's me writing that content. But you know what? I have a team of three, people that update 90, articles a month in total. In other words, each person's doing roughly 30, articles a month. So, I am writing four to five, articles a month, my team is updating 90, articles a month. Updating old content is providing me more traffic gains than writing new content. And when you have contented, let's say on SEO or whatever it may be, you can have your team continually update it. So, that's the same reason Wikipedia continually does well. Because people are constantly updating their old articles, and making them better and more thorough as well. If you do that, and you spend more time doing that, it will help you generate more traffic. This was one of my biggest gains.

3rd strategy:

I have for you??? Land and expand. Look, no matter how good you are at SEO, no matter how much content you create, there's no guarantee that that article is going to rank well. I've created some pieces of content that has done really well with SEO, and I've created other pieces of content that I thought would do well, but Google just doesn't rank them, and people just don't like them. So, here's my recommendation to you, and this is what I call the land and expand. When you throw content out there, naturally some does better than others. Take the pieces of content that does really well, take those pieces of content, look at Google Search Console.

In Google Search Console, you'll see all the keywords that drive traffic to that page. Now, I want you to then take those keywords, and see which ones are related to your article. And then what I want you to do is expand your content, and make sure that you're including all of those keywords within the content, where it makes sense. If it doesn't make sense, don't stuff them in. But if it makes sense to add that keyword in the title tag because it's more relevant to our audience, and it makes the title better, or a better description, go and do that.

 If it makes sense, add a few more paragraphs with some of these new words because it makes your article more thorough and provides more value to the user, go and do that. In addition to that, now that you have these keywords, go to Neil Patel Ubersuggest, type them in, and go look at the keyword ideas report. It will show all other related keywords. Some of these keywords you should also be including in your article, if it makes sense to expand your article into these areas. If it doesn't, don't do it. But if it's beneficial to the user, and I can't emphasize user first because you need to put them first, go and do it. If it makes sense for a searcher but not a user, do not do it, it's all about putting the user first. And when you do that, you're expanding your content.

See, Google already likes these articles. Users already like it. And that's why Google likes this, because people enjoy reading it, linking to it, sharing it. So when you expand it, and you make it better for users, in theory, you'll see that the article will not just rank better for those terms, but also all other similar terms out there.

4th strategy:

 I have for you, going international, a.k.a. international expansion. You look at, I'm crushing most of my competitors when it comes to traffic. Am I better at marketing them? No, I'm not saying that. Do I have a better product, or service, or better content? No, I'm not saying that either. But you know what I did? Years ago, I was talking to one of my friends who work at Google, and she gave me this wonderful piece of advice. She's like Neil, the majority of the people who use Google don't search in English. They don't speak English. You should consider translating your content, transcribing it to other regions. So, I started with Brazil, then I went to all Latin America with Spanish, and then I started getting into German, French, Italian, and I have so many languages, I don't even count anymore. And by doing this, all this people from all these regions can now be come to my site and read content. Sure, I may not have as much content as English, but it's driving a ton of traffic. So much so, that the United States makes up less than 25% of my traffic. That's the power of going international Expand.

It's a wide open field, less competition, you don't deal with as many algorithm updates, not because Google's not making the algorithm updates, it's more so, you guys just have less competition, so when they make an algorithm update, you still rank at the top. And if you do that, you'll quickly notice within months of doing this, you'll start getting a ton to traffic from all these other regions.

5th strategy:

building amazing popular tool on your website. Look, tools is a new form of content marketing. Ubersuggest is the number one traffic section of the Neil Patel website. A lot of you have used it, a lot of you haven't. It's a tool. Works well. Now you're probably wondering, I can't afford to do what you do with Ubersuggest. That's fine. Don't do that, but what you can afford to do, I don't care what country you're in, everyone can afford this, you go to Code Canyon, Code Canyon's a site that has tools on almost every single industry out there. You can find tools for like $10, pop it on your site, put your name on it, which you're allowed to do though Code Canyon, and you can get traffic from a tool. I did this with my old site, QuickSprout, worked really well. I did this with my first, or technically not my first, my second website ever called ACS, which was my original marketing ad agency, and I did an SEO analyzer. And it worked really well, too. So, if you just add a tool to your site, you'll get a ton of extra traffic. And I kid you not, it's the most viral and the easiest traffic you'll get is from a tool.

Thank you everyone If you have a question, leave a comment.

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